As I work as a journalist, from time to
time I manage to write a reportage concernig dogs. Only about danes
my bosses don't know, I relly don't understand why. I don't think it's
worhwhile translating, so above photos you have a short review of polish
Reportage published in weekly Polityka in
2008. In a certain way it's the continuation of the report from 2006
(below). Really drammatic story about one of animal shelter. After the
article was published some tv channels made their reportage too and
the shelter was closed |
Weekly "Polityka", 2006. About
animal shelters, which are only the way of making money for their owners.
In one we found 35 bodies of dogs and cats burried in absolute illegal
way, with strong suspicion that the only reason for their euthanasia
was that the owner gets the money for every animal at the moment of
registration, and the amount doesn't depend on how long time the animal
lives in the shelter). We wrote about wrong laws concerning animals
in our country, about illegal puppy farms, breeders that shouldn't be
allowed to called them so. And about breeders like Piotr Mikuc, who
managed to rescue a platten female from his breeding, at 18 months 30
kg wieght. (she is on one of the pictures) Piotr took care of her and
after she was cured found her good owners. but the bad thing is that
the previous owners of a dane won't have no consequences in spite they
almost kill their dog.
Not a story with happy end - I mean whole reportage. |
This is a reportage from weekly Przekroj,
2004, about some dishonest vets. Unfortunately it's a seriuos problem
in our country. Probably in big towns we have too many vets and sometimes
they decide a therapy to a sane dog or cat. Of course we have really
brave vet and those who are onest and help animals congatulated me on
this publication. Some of cases I treat in this article are really extremly
shocking... F.ex. there was a dane of 8 months a "vet" wanted
to operate hips - to replace his bones with endoprothesy. The owner
didn't agree. The dane at 18 month was x-rayed and his hips are 0/0.
Another case: tibetan Lhasa Apso. Diagnosy: renal insufficiency. After
3 years of extremly expensive treatment the owner made analysis for
his own, in a different clinic. The dog turned to be perfectly sane...
An article from daily "Zycie" about a bill concerning so
called "agressive breeds" Danes were at the begining in. On
the photo mine Zuzia, Suzanne Vega Herbu Zadora, not an agressive dane.